
Exploring The Different Types Of Escort Services

Escort services are very prominent worldwide. Only a few people talk about it, but we all agree that many wish to experience it. So if you are new to this term and would like to know more about it, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you about the different types of services a professional escort would offer you. Make sure you read this article until the end.

Are Escort Services And Prostitution The Same?

The precise answer to this question would be ‘No.’ Escorts Leeds and prostitution are entirely different from each other. A prostitute will have sex with you for the number of minutes or hours you paid them for, whereas an escort would provide you with many services, and the best part is that you can also book them for many days. You can take an escort to parties and events with you, but this is not the case with prostitutes.

6 Different Types Of Escort Services Available In Leeds

Here are some primary services provided by professional Escorts Leeds:

1.    Full-Service Escort

A full-service escort would not only be ready to have sexual intercourse with you, but they will also deliver services like oral sex, massages, etc.

2.    Private Escort

A private escort would like to keep their services silent without engaging with any agency. They would charge lower than usual escorts and meet you at hotels and homes. They are also known as Individual Escorts.

3.    Social Escort

If you are looking for a temporary girlfriend to accompany you to any dates or events, a social escort is who you need. They are skilled individuals with elegant and sophisticated attitudes. Their primary job is to accompany clients to public events and functions.

4.    Outcall Escort

Outcall escorts will provide their services in the comfort of your home, office, or any place you want. So if you are in the mood to get relaxed, an outcall escort is who you need.

5.    Incall Escort

Incall escorts are the exact opposite of outcall escorts. Instead of going to the client’s place, incall escorts prefer to provide their services at their place. However, several escorts provide both of these services.

6.    A-Level Escort

There are many services like anal sex that not every escort is ready to provide. Some services like this one are meant to be asked for beforehand, and an A-level escort would provide you with the same.