

Marriage is not always perfect and sometimes people can feel lonely even when they are married and there can be several causes of loneliness in marriage.

People can feel lonely when they are living with their partner or when they have physical proximity to their partner.

This does not mean that couples do not love each other and do not know how to express their love language but there can be a lot of reasons why you feel lonely in your marriage.

This is something that couples can feel when they have just married or even if they are in a long-term relationship and have been married for years.

Some might say it is because couples are overly dependent on each other and of course, there is some truth to it and others might say there is a lack of effort in the relationship which is also true to some extent.

However, the reason for this phenomenon is complex and we are going to talk about why someone might feel lonely in their marriage and most importantly what to do if you are married but lonely. 



One of the primary reasons for lonely in your marriage is the lack of emotional intimacy because if you want a healthy relationship then one of the most important aspects of it is emotional intimacy.

Emotional intimacy is when you can communicate emotionally with your partner and when you can understand their needs and their feelings as well as have a good understanding of their emotions.

However, without emotional intimacy you will feel a disconnect with your partner on an emotional level because there might be physical intimacy but without emotional intimacy you will not be able to communicate deeper feelings as well as needs and desires with your partner.

That is why the best thing to do here is to improve your communication skills with your partner and you must also prioritise giving them quality time and you must try to understand their emotional needs.

If you want to be emotionally close to your partner then you can also engage in activities that they like and encourage them in their work and career and that is how you can support them.


We all are individuals with distinct values and interests in life and that is what defines us and makes us truly what we are.

However, when you are in a marriage you must also understand the life values of your partner because it is what defines them and makes them complete.

If you want to be close to your partner then one of the ways to do it is to understand how they function and understand what gives them happiness.

You must also try to understand what they believe in and what they are passionate about in life and if you can understand and master all those things then you will never feel lonely in your marriage.

Because you will be able to communicate better with your partner and support them and support works both ways because when you support your partner your partner will also make an active effort of supporting you.

This is one of the most beautiful things you can do and it is to understand what makes them and that is how you can complete them. 


We all are working people and we need to work for our families and our partners and to have a comfortable life.

But if you are someone who is very busy then you might be so busy that you cannot give any time to spend with your partner.

The thing is, you probably do this hard work just because you can provide a good life for them and you can take care of their needs but what you are not understanding is that it is important to prioritise the present.

Perhaps you are working hard but you are working so hard so that you can have a better future together but in the process of trying to improve your future you are scarifying your present.

You must understand this thing work of balance in order to make sure that you do not sacrifice your present for your future because it is also important to build the relationship that you have with your partner.

You can work things out together because if you work too hard and do not give any time to your marriage then your marriage can fall apart because you might have all the economic security and stability in the future but you will not have your partner to enjoy it with. 


Sexual satisfaction is one of the most important requirements of a marriage because just like emotional needs everyone has physical needs.

And one of the reasons why you might feel lonely in your marriage is because your physical needs and not being fulfilled or you cannot fulfil the physical needs of your partner.

That is why you must know how to communicate better with your partner so that you can express your physical and sexual needs and your desires to them.

Communication will also give you the ability to understand their needs so that you can work on the solution together because that is the best thing you can do to solve a lonely marriage.

You must try and experiment with new ideas of sexual satisfaction and you must try to do this together with your partner because in a marriage nothing works alone. 

And if you feel like you are still not happy in your marriage then the best thing to do would be to consult and confide with your friends and family and if that is not the case then the other option is a professional.

A professional like a marriage counsellor who has the skillset and knowledge as well as experience to deal with your loneliness and to help you find a solution.

And if you are still feeling lonely in your marriage then we have an amazing and fun solution for you as you can obviously spend time with some of the sexiest female escorts in Goa.

That is where Shweta Fun Goa escort services come in, they are the most reported escort agency in Goa where you can hire some of the sexiest female escorts and have an amazing time in Goa.

We highly recommend them and we welcome you to visit their website and check out their amazing services.